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turning off water heater in winter

Turning Off Water Heater in Winter: Is It Allowed?

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The winter presents many challenges for homeowners. The cold weather outside forces you to make decisions about your home, including how to maintain your heating. You want to ensure you and your family have warmth, but you don’t want utility bills to skyrocket. 

To save money, one action many homeowners consider is turning off the water heater in winter. However, shutting off your water hear is a poor decision for numerous reasons. The savings on your energy bills will be minimal, while the effects on your home may be significant and damaging.

Below, we discuss why you should keep your water heater running throughout the winter. To ensure you and your family stay warm and comfortable during the winter months, call our technicians at Green Energy Mechanical Inc. for water heater repair in Canton.

Here are a few reasons why you should keep your water heater on during the winter.

Your Home Will be Cold and Uncomfortable

Perhaps the most apparent reason you shouldn’t turn off your water heater during the winter is that your home would be cold. The lower the temperature outdoors, the quicker your interior temperature will drop when you turn off your water heater. If you don’t need as much heat while you sleep or are away from home, simply lower the temperature on your water heater instead of shutting it off completely. 

Aside from the internal temperature, turning off your water heater results in a cold water supply. When you wake up in the morning or return home from work, you’ll have to wait anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour for your water to heat. It will be frigid if you need a quick shower, plan on washing the dishes, or want to use water for anything else.

Your Pipes Could Freeze and Burst

One potential consequence of turning off the water heater in winter concerns your pipes and plumbing system. The heat in your home helps your pipes stay warm. If you turn off your water heater, your interior temperature will drop, leaving the water in your pipes susceptible to freezing.

When the water in your pipes freezes, it expands and becomes ice. That ice creates blockages in your pipes and causes pressure to build. When the pressure reaches a certain point, it will crack your pipes and eventually cause them to burst.

Burst pipes and the possible water damage they create are expensive to repair. You’ll spend far more money than you save by shutting off your water heater.

It Is Ineffective in Saving Money

Turning off hot water heaters doesn’t save you as much as you may think. In fact, most homeowners only save about $1 per day with their water heater off. In addition, the resulting damage could be extremely costly. 

A more effective method for saving money is lowering your thermostat. You can save around 1% per degree that you lower the thermostat. As a result, you can decrease energy usage and save money while maintaining comfort and preventing expensive issues.

Other Ways to Save Money on Heating

Aside from lowering the thermostat, a few effective methods for saving money on heating won’t jeopardize your home or comfort. One is to insulate your water heater’s tank. Insulation keeps the warmth in and reduces standby heat loss.

Another method is utilizing natural heat. Letting the sun’s rays warm your home costs you nothing and allows you to lower the thermostat a few extra degrees.

When Can You Turn Off Your Water Heater?

You should only consider turning off your water heater if you’re going away on an extended vacation of about a month or longer. At that duration, you could make a dent in your energy bill and avoid problems created by turning your water heater on and off repeatedly. However, you still risk having your plumbing pipes freeze and burst while away.

If you turn off your water heater, take precautions to prevent your pipes from bursting. For example, utilize installation, keep the thermostat set to a moderately warm temperature, and ensure there are no cracks in your home where cold air could leak through.

Call Green Energy Mechanical Inc. Today

Turning off the water heater in winter ultimately creates more problems than it solves. Instead, consider other options that save you money while maintaining your comfort.

For more information or to switch to a tankless water heater, call our experts at Green Energy Mechanical Inc. at 781-236-3421.

Author Bio:

Jonathan Neves

Worked in the HVAC industry since he was 17. He started as an HVAC service technician for commercial buildings and eventually came into the residential market because of his love of working with people. He believes that what really sets Green Energy Mechanical apart is how long they stand behind their work and how compassionate his employees are for their clients.


My furnace was not working this morning. I called Green Energy and within a few hours Terry was here and quickly took care of the problem. Terry has been here before and is very professional and friendly.
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Quinn was really nice, professional, and answered all my questions in a clear and easy manner. The woman I spoke with on the phone was also very kind, so I will definitely use this company again.
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Green Energy Mechanical is a pleasure to work. We had both air conditioning and heating installed. During both jobs, GEM was thorough and professional from start to finish.
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I could not be more pleased with the service provided. We have upgraded our water heater to a tank less. We are also getting our heat and ac installed by them. They care for your home like you would
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